Across the river on the Eastern side of the Ganges, turn right after the footbridge and it's a five minute walk. The classes offer gentle yoga style similar to the Bihar School of Yoga and classes cover gentle warm ups for the joints, a few asanas and some pranayama. Meditation classes are offered too. Classes are held morning and evening in the big central hall.

One month courses held seven times a year, and cover asana, pranayama and yoga and Hindu philosophy. It is not obligatory to participate in the classes, bhajans or satsangs in order to stay on the grounds.
Ashram runs yoga and Mediatation classes regularly. Govt is planning to have its First Yoga Acedemy in India, in the ashram.Transcendental Meditation Centre of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Once the most active ashrams in sixties has very few activities rarely. The ashram is best located in the forests on the banks Ganga and is ideal for meditation.
Phone: 91-1364-2433537 / 2430279